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Genshin Impact Cheats Outdated Free

Genshin Impact Free Account Manager v.1.1

Genshin Impact Free Account Manager v.1.1

Genshin Impact Free Account Manager is a program that allows you to switch between multiple accounts. If you have several Genshin Impact accounts, this account manager is for you. This Account Manager will continue to be constantly updated by its developer. The program only works with the global version. If you need any support, we will be waiting for you on our discord server. Enjoy. Keep following us, we continue to bring you the best Genshin Impact cheats and hacks

Game About

Genshin Impact is a pleasant surprise, delivering a sprawling, thoughtful world, and ingenious combat mechanics. Teyvat currently only features two regions out of the seven teased in the story, but developer Mihoyo has made it clear that a new region, new characters, and all new content are just around the corner.

How to use Genshin Impact Free Account Manager

  1. Close the game before changing your account.
  2. The program saves the current account when you click “Save” (probably no duplication checks later).
  3. You must enter the account name when saving.
  4. By clicking “Change” you will switch to the account selected from the list.
  5. All accounts are stored in the “UserData” folder, do not delete them.
  6. Join Discord : https://dsc.gg/joinn



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