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Multiple Tool

Multiple Game Instance is a tool to help you use multiple game instances simultaneously. Have multiple Roblox instances, multiple RBX games opened safely.

Multiple Tool
Multiple Tool

How to use the Multiple Game Instance tool?

Using the Multiple Roblox software is very easy, but you will need to have one account per instance to use it.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Multi Roblox tool before launching any game.
  2. Once the game is opened, go to the website and then log out of your current account.
  3. After that, log in with another account, and you will be able to launch any Roblox game, even the same game that your other account was used to open.

Now you can have as many multiple Roblox instances as you wish by repeating the 2nd and 3rd steps.

Note that you won't use an already in-game account; also, do not close the game when you log out from the website.