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Phasmophobia Hacks Undetected Free

Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack | Free Phasmo Menu v1.1.1

Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack | Free Phasmo Menu v1.1.1

Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack  is a new Free to Download Cheat Menu with ESP, Ghost and Activity Info and many other more features

With this Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack which the developer of the cheat specifically said and promised that they are going to quickly and frequently update, playing Phasmo has never been more fun. With the ESP and the Ghost / Activity information the menu and many other Free Phasmophobia Cheats provide, there is nothing stopping you from just absolutely demolishing other players and ghosts. And for all of your nerds out there, if you are suspicious of whether it is safe to use or not, you can analyze the DLL itself since it is not obfuscated in any way.

Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack Features

  • Ghost, Player, Bone, Fingerprint, Fusebox and all cursed items ESP
  • Infos about Ghost
  • Activity Graph
  • Mission Completer and viewerPress Insert to open menu.

How to Use Phasmophobia BPIE Internal Hack

  1. As a first step, scroll down and click on the download button to download the cheat’s archive which contains the DLL file required for you to use the hack
  2. Extract the DLL file from the archive using an extractor of your choice and put the DLL file into a folder of your choice
  3. Go on our Injectors category and get yourself an injector that you like
  4. Open Steam and start Phasmophobia
  5. Open the directory where you have the injector and the DLL
  6. Run the injector and select the DLL file
  7. Select the game’s process
  8. Click on Inject
  9. Press Insert to open the menu
  10. Enjoy and have fun!


  • Version 1.1.1:
    • Fix CursedObject crashes due to PointerWatcher returning after one execution
  • Version 1.1.0:
    • Hopefully fix crashes related to CursedObject nullptr exceptions
    • Add Player Tab and teleporting to players
  • Version 1.0.1:
    • Updated to game version v0.5.1.0
  • Version 1.0.0:
    • Initial Release
Archive Password: 123